Monday, November 8, 2010


  A meeting in Omaha with Kiewit brought Vance, Celine and boys home.  The weather was great.  Celine, had a list of things she wanted to do.   First on the list was our tradition of going to Val's Pumpkin Patch.   Each year our visit gets more fun.  Lane, loved the animals, the different displays, jumping and just running around. 
 This breed of goats looks so strange because it has no ear flaps.
 Yes, that's Gage in the stroller
 Celine & year Renee & Tom will have their little one with us!!!!!

 All kids like to dig,  this corn box was so much fun.

Half way through the trail, Renee & Celine thought they would have to ditch the bike and walk.
 Grandma and Gage
  Lane...your hair
 Aunt Renee and Gage
 Lane & Gage do look sad!
 Reimer Family
 Grandma and boys
 Gage...such a cutie
 Fun time by all.
Pictures to be continued......

1 comment:

  1. mom you did such a good job on your blog!! well done. looooved going to the pumpkin patch with you.
