Sunday, October 2, 2011

OUR CRAZY LIFE---- Ne. Football, Celine's B-day, Buffalo Roundup

Jim Neal and Tom Crha grew up on the same street in Omaha.  Tom and his wife Sheri now live in the Seattle area.  They came back for the Nebraska vs Washington game.   It was great fun seeing them and catching up on life. 
Celine, Lane & Gage came for a quick visit home last week.  So much fun!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celine, while she was home she had her b-day.  When the girls were growing up they always had their favorite b-day meal--Celine's was chicken and dumplings!!  It made me feel good that she was home and I could make her birthday dinner.  And of course Angel Food cake.  I didn't take pictures while Celine was here.  She takes amazing pictures so I just put my camera down.  Check out her blog for more pics of her stay.

Beautiful Penny.  She's 5 months already
"BUFFALO ROUNDUP"  I can't believe it------It has to be 15+ years since we have been to Custer State Park in South Dakota and we went twice in September!!     I do really think that I'm a want to be cowgirl, but don't think I could  make it on a ranch.   Remember the movie "Dancing with Wolves"?  Well,  the buffalo stampede scene was taped during this round up.   The cowboys rounded up 1,200 buffalo from around the park .  Once they have them in the coral they let them rest, then they are separated and the calf's are branded.  The event has grown.  Fourteen thousand people attended.    OK.....let's get to the buffalo, it was so exciting to watch them being herded over the hills.  I cried.  It's just Americana!!! 
Nancy and Tom Kunkel  (my sister)
our first sighting of the buffalo running over the ridge of the hill
And here they come!!!!


the following pictures need NO words..................

When we got back to Yankton, we took a ride on Tom & Nancy's boat.  Actually we had dinner while we were out on the water.  The water was like glass, it was a beautiful evening.
Nancy (you look like you know what your doing????)
"SUNSET"                      This weekend was amazing.  We did much and saw even more,  plus I got to spend some much needed sister time.       Love you Nancy!!!

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